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After Hitting the Baseball
Newton's 3rd Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
This law is applied in hitting a baseball. The distance that the ball is hit is determined by this law. The greater the acceleration of the baseball bat, the greater the acceleration of the ball. This determines the distance that the ball will move. The pitcher can throw the ball multiple ways. The different throws cause the ball to drop or curve due to friction between the laces and the air, so the batter needs to pay close attention to the type of pitch that is being thrown to know where the ball will cross the plate. When a ball is hit, the distance it travels is determined by how fast the ball is hit, and the angle that the ball leaves that bat. Also gravity plays a role in the distance that the ball travels. It is always pulling the ball with a downward force from the time that it leaves the pitchers hand. The reason it remains in the air is because of the other forces acting on it in an upward direction are greater than the downward forces.
Newton's Second Law: Force equals mass multiplied by acceleration
When a ball is hit, a force is applied to the ball. The batter can affect the acceleration that is applied with the bat. The batter can also determine the mass of the bat that he uses. The higher the acceleration and mass of the bat, the greater the force is that is applied to the ball thus sending it greater distances.
Air Resistance:
Air resistance is a key factor in the game of baseball. It can help or hurt the batter. If the air is flowing in the direction of the ball, it can be carried over the fence or to a farther point in the field, but if the air is going against the ball, it could make the difference between a home run and an out.